Monday, October 17, 2011

NEEDED: "Laborers"

"Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." -Matthew 9:37-38

Facts: The Central Intelligence Agency has posted statistics in its "World FactBook" page... On a list of 222 nations, the US ranks 176th for infant mortality rates (an estimated 6.06 deaths of 1,000 live births). The top 48 countries on the list all have rates of fifty and above, the highest of which being Angola with a staggering 175.90 deaths.

The same source shows the life expectency rates. Unsurprisingly, the nations that dominate the charts for infant mortality can be found on the lower spectrum of life expectancies, with 79 nations having an average expectancy of below 70 years. The map below shows the estimated life expectancy for 2011:

The majority of the nations on this ranking are what most would classify as "third-world countries" - areas commonly marked with poverty, violence, and poor health.

-Common issues include:
  • High percentages of deaths of children under 1 year due to infectious-contagious diseases (most could be prevented or treated)
  • Many children born without medical supervision which increases infant mortality and maternal death rates
  • Severe malnutrition rate of children under 5 years
  • Poor sanitary conditions (insufficient or no sewage/running water)
  • Non-potable drinking water
  • Low annual income
  • High percentage of basic nutritional needs being unmet

Clearly there is a problem.  Is there even a feasible solution? I assert that one such option is able individuals from more stable nations taking time out of their lives to GO and help those that desperately need it.

There are numerous organizations that sponsor/host medical missions trips internationally. These groups take trained medical professionals, drugs, medical equipment and VOLUNTEERS to remote areas around the globe, running free clinics and treating thousands of patients annually.

I firmly believe that an increased participation in medical missions around the world can make a significant impact... but it all starts with you and with me. What can we do? Follow this blog to keep posted on the numerous opportunities that are available for those who will go...

Mark Steines, co-host of Fox’s Entertainment Tonight, went on Lighthouse Medical Mission's 2008 medical trip to Sierra Leone, a country that was devastated by the Blood Diamond Civil Wars. We see the highlights of his experience - the difference that was made on countless lives, as well as the impact made on each of the volunteers:

Mark Steines from WTA on Vimeo.

Are YOU a willing laborer??